Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Welcome 2011! New Year, New Blog!!

My New Year’s resolution is to be more proactive get a jump and do all the things I have said I’m going to do.  One of those things is my blog, every Monday or Tuesday please expect a blog post from me and if you don’t see one please hound me to post :)

One thing I’ve been noticing is that people are getting ballsy with their hair. I feel like I have a new client each week that says lets go dramatic! Brunette to blonde, long to short and I feel like once a week I have someone saying lets go Red! (Most of them are talking bright bright red) Rihanna’s bright red itch must be in the water or something. I’m surprised every time, but I LOVE it.

I recently cut a friends hair who swears her hair doesn’t grow at all. She’s deathly afraid of haircuts, I couldn’t believe that she had not gotten a haircut in THREE YEARS!! The saddest part was its true it grows very slowly in three years it maybe had grown 6 inches. The moral of the story is get your hair cut on a regular basis. She hated her hair, constantly complained about it. It’s been a week since her haircut and she’s been spending the extra 5 minutes on her hair and still loves it! The ponytail is no more.
My motto, once you start rocking the ponytail or in my case an insane amount of bobby pins it’s time for a haircut!

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