Thursday, April 14, 2011

Step it up Seattle!

When you think of fashion in New York you think designer labels and high fashion, people don't leave their house unless they're dressed to the nines.  California: super tan ladies baring it all lots of plastic surgery and bleach blonde hair. Texas: Huge Texas hair and caked on makeup. When you think of Pacific Northwest fashion what do you think of? Socks and Sandals, Hiking Boots, North Face, pasty white skin.... Glamorous huh? Yeah yeah we have the luxury of taking it easy. Not caring as much as we should on our looks. Im telling you I get away with fashion murder sometimes. I remember one night I went out wearing a northface and highheeled boots to a pretty nice bar not even taking a second thought. A guy from out of town was almost offended on how casual I was dressed. I remember going to beauty school with the grossest hair ever all the time. People dont want to get their hair done by someone who cant do their own. Thankfully its been a long time since i went to work with super gross hair ( i would like to give thanks to dry shampoo and bobby pins) Ive stepped it up a bit but I really could do more. Could you?

I also have a friend in her early/med twenties. She really doesnt have to try hard, shes naturally pretty. She works in Sales but in more of a casual setting. On the weekend when she goes out she spends a hour or two doing her hair and makeup and her clothing and looked drop dead gorgeous. (she gets more attention from guys than anyone I know) Well for work she doesnt care, she says work is gross and that she doesnt feel the need to step it up. (I also think its because she hates her job) She showers throws her hair in a ponytail and puts mascara on. By the end of the day shes just not very put together she always feels like she needs to go home, change, do her hair and makeup if she wants to do anything after. Let me tell you as a friend and someone who sells beauty services/products it frustrates me!
Over the years, I have learned that in sales half of what your selling is yourself. If you had twins selling the exact same thing but one was a little more dolled up than the other who would you talk to first not knowing anything about either. Or if you had two guys selling the same thing but one was sexier than the other. Let me tell you im gonna flirt with the the sexy one. In my eyes if she spent an extra 15-30 min getting ready in the morning she wouldn't need to spend the hour getting ready after she gets off work for an after work activity and she would be in a better mood because she had a more successful day in sales. But hey, its Seattle, we can get away with it right?

I also have a client whos the complete opposite. Shes in her 40's with children the same age as I am and is unemployed at this time. She has the best motto in life, If i keep my self up i keep happy. She get a Mani/Pedi every two weeks, her hair done every 6 weeks and refuses to leave the house without her hair and makeup done. Now im sure your thinking wow, this woman is high maintenance and kinda picturing a trophy wife. Not a chance, She doesnt over do her self, she keeps it simple and never really spends more than 45 min including a shower every morning. For her keeping herself up is the one thing she does for herself. It makes her happy, its her vice. She never has to question am I presentable? are my toes polished? Are my legs shaved?  Its one less thing to worry about. This is how she stays young at heart.

If there is one thing ive learned about being in the beauty industry there is nothing better than getting pampered, it is the best way to change a blah day to an awesome day. I was having a crappy day, i hated my wardrobe, i was out of makeup and just wanting to stay in bed. Well due to the fact that I ran out of my makeup I needed to march my butt to the M.A.C. store and pick some up before I cursed my makeup bag the next day. 30 minutes after entering makeup heaven I left spending way more money than a person should ever spend but BOY did i look good. The makeup angels fixed my face up gave me a few tips set me up with a whole new regime. It was a total game changer. All of a sudden I was ready for the day.... actually i was so excited about my new makeup I was happy for a whole week.
Ive set off this week to start caring for my self more. I got my first manicure and pedicure in a year. Im a freshly waxed woman. Im getting a massage once a month and Im doing whitening strips for my teeth.  Im so thrilled about my mani and pedi. Which has been the highlight of my week. Next week I plan on giving myself an extra 30 minutes every morning to get ready. Maybe I might even eat breakfast for once in my life :)

Now that I have taken the challenge are you willing to? I double dog dare you to spend and extra 15 minutes on your self a day. I want to hear about what you added or expanded on in your morning routine and if it made any difference.

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